Classrooms Change The World

The funding provided by our generous sponsors gives us the ability to empower a group of students through our 4 Session "Im A Hero" Workshop.

Im A Hero!

IMAH Workshop

A fun and interactive learning workshop designed to help the youth realize that they can do anything!
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How It Works

IMAH is a acronym for IM A HERO! It also represents how we organize each session

I - Introduction & Icebreaker

M - Motivation

A - Activity

H - Home

Introduction & Icebreaker

Every session starts with an “Introduction” that directs the focus of the conversation for each session. 
The “Icebreaker” follows to help participants loosen up. Each Icebreaker is designed to be fun and inclusive, but always connect back to the overall theme.


After participants finish the icebreaker the session continues with some motivation. Where the workshop leader takes the opportunity to inspire students to take action or look at things differently.


We follow up the Motivation portion with an Activity we hope participants are fired up to engage in. Encouraging students to convert motivational energy into action through an activity.


We conclude each workshop with something for students to think about when they are home. Pushing them to continue the conversations they've had throughout the workshop.