Classrooms Change The World

Super Villians

In this battle we are at odds against profit hungry companies, war mongering politicians and a poorly funded education system.
Even more, the internet is shrouded with bad influences and poor role models. We’re on a mission to highlight the true heroes and the significance in what they stand for.

We Need Your Support

The aim is to ensure that Life Heroes is publicly supported rather than funded by a small group of donors. We believe in building relationships rooted in our community and not rooted in corporate relationships. Businesses generate revenue to make a profit, we generate revenue to make a difference.


Life Heroes Classroom Sponsors enable us to make a difference in classrooms everywhere! Our youth are nurtured in an underfunded education system that forces underpaid teachers to support their classrooms with their own money. Teachers need our help and by sponsoring a classroom you directly support a teacher ability to change a students life through education.
$ 2,250.00 USD
Sponsor Now

Nothing is Free

The amazing programs that the world has to offer aren't free. And unfortunately schools just don't have the budget for programs that support student development. 

The World Cares

The worst feeling that you can have as a student is feeling like a system designed to educate you, doesn't care about you. Sponsors shows students that the world cares.

A Fun Education

Teachers are forced to get creative and use their own money to ensure that education is fun and engaging for their students. Our sponsors help support those teachers by providing funding that brings Life Heroes to the classroom.

Our Impact

Normally when you donate to a non profit it's hard to distinguish how your money is making an impact. Our classroom sponsorship model allows donors to directly see the impact that their generous gift has on students, families and educators. 

The 1st Classroom of Heroes

The sponsorship funding provided by Patrick Byrnes helped bring Life Heroes to Nativity Preparatory School of Boston.

Patrick Byrne

The 1st Classroom Sponsor

Patrick's connection to Life Heroes goes beyond being the first classroom sponsor. He is also the former PULSE professor of the Life Heroes founder and the pioneer of Boston Colleges PULSE program.
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