Classrooms Change The World

The funding provided by our generous sponsors gives us the ability to empower a group of students through our 4 Session "Im A Hero" Workshop.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower the next generation of heroes by widening their horizons to truly understand they can be anything in this word. We use creative design to make early career learning engaing and exciting.

Super Villians

In this battle we are at odds against profit hungry companies, war mongering politicians and a poorly funded education system.
Even more, the internet is shrouded with bad influences and poor role models. We’re on a mission to highlight the true heroes and the significance in what they stand for.

Non-profit Information

Life Heroes Inc is a 501(c)(3) public charity based in Massachusetts. Organizations exempt under the IRC Section 501(c)(3) are further classified as either public charities or private foundations.
As a public charity all our revenue is directly related to our mission. A significant source of income comes from a combination of contributions, gifts, grants, membership fees, and gross receipts from admissions, sales of merchandise, performance of services or furnishing facilities in activities related to our mission.

We Need Your Support

The aim is to ensure that Life Heroes is publicly supported rather than funded by a small group of donors. We believe in building relationships rooted in our community and not rooted in corporate relationships. Businesses generate revenue to make a profit, we generate revenue to make a difference.
$ 10.00 USD

Monthly Donation

Support our mission with a monthly donation of $10 and get a Life Heroes Limited Edition Support Sticker!
$ 25.00 USD

Monthly Donation

A monthly dono of $25 a month gets you a Life Heroes Graphic T-Shirt featuring our classic logo!
$ 50.00 USD

Monthly Donation

Make a monthly contribution of $50 a month and earn yourself a Life Heroes Swag Kit!
$ 100.00 USD

Monthly Donation

Support our mission with a monthly donation of $100 and earn yourself a Limited Edition Art Print and Swag Kit
$ 25.00 USD

One-Time Gift

$ 50.00 USD

One-Time Gift

$ 100.00 USD

One-Time Gift

$ 250.00 USD

One-Time Gift

$ 500.00 USD

One-Time Gift

$ 1,000.00 USD

One-Time Gift