The Inner Working of a Flashlight

Have you ever wondered how a flashlight works?

There is not a day goes by that we don't switch on a light switch. But do you ever stop to think about how it works?

We'll use the inner workings of a flashlight to show you a small glimpse into how it is done.

Closed Switch vs Open Switch

Closed Switch Flashlight Schematic

When the switch is closed it allows for the complete flow of electricity. This allows the battery to power the light source!

Open Switch Flashlight Schematic

When the switch is open the flow of electricity no longer flows continuously through the wire. Since there is no complete flow of electricity the light has no power and is now switched off.

Click To Flip The Switch

Think About a Draw Bridge

Imagine the flow of electricity as cars on a bridge, if the draw bridge is closed cars are able to freely get across
If the bridge is opened up, then cars are stopped from getting across

A Picture Of A Real Life Elevator Schematic

This schematic may look complicated, but think of it as a puzzle.

A puzzle that comes with special instructions in a language you don't understand yet.